Monday 5 September 2011

Mr Schnitzel & Mr No Shoes, the first of the weirdos

Mr Schnitzel & I met through his housemate lets call the housemate Corey* , funny story that. Corey was trying to hit on me for months & asking me out etc. I always politely declined, I was starting to get standards & spelling has always been important... Corey was lacking in his ability to spell.

These were the MySpace days so his housemate (who was Mr Schnitzel) added me as a friend too, turns out we had a few friends in common.... hmm yet no one warned me about him.
Our main topic of conversation was about Corey who amusingly left me love notes all over my MySpace page (due to his bad spelling Corey could never spell my name properly)
We also talked about movies & our mutual love for chicken schnitzel. 

Mr Schnitzel asked me to the movies one Sunday arvo, as friends. It wasn't a Friday/Saturday night so it obviously wasn't a date. I agreed, I was obviously lacking in experience & judgement back then. 
So we met at Glendale, I don't even remember what we saw, I knew he walked there because he only lived up the road in Argenton (another blacklisted area). He also bought himself a packed lunch.. you guessed it. 
A schnitty sanga. Being the fickle person I am, I felt embarrassed sitting next to the guy who couldnt afford popcorn. Who takes a packed lunch to the movies?   

Conveniently after the movie it was pissing down rain so he asked for a lift home. He also offered to lend me some TV Series he'd downloaded that I was interested in. So I went inside. Bad move.I walked inside & it smelt bad, it looked bad from the outside too, I must have been desperate to watch whatever it was he had downloaded. He went into his room to get the DVDs & I stood inside the doorway. 
I noticed a schnitzel on a plate on his desk.. & then something wrapped in foil under his bed. Me being me made a joke about his drug stash under his bed.. nope it was just an emergency schnitty. 
I was pretty disgusted he had all these dirty plates lying around & schnitty everywhere. So I got the DVD & started to walk out, & Corey then got home.. & saw me walk out of Mr Schnitzels room. 
Corey & Mr Schnitzel then got into a war of words, that apparently turned physical. I never stayed around for that... & I kept the DVDs & refused to speak to either of them again. 

At least it didn't put a dampener on my love of schnitty. 

Mr No Shoes was also of MySpace but he was a random.. he looked cute though. 
He was also the first of the US State names, which have included Denver, Dallas, Dustin (its not a State but still) & Utah.. ok I made that one up. Never the less all the US State name guys never went anywhere...I was so distracted by their tacky names I don't think I could take them seriously.

Anyway, my bad judgement meant Mr No Shoes ticked all the boxes (there were maybe 4 boxes at this stage). He had a good job, he had a good sense of humour & seemed quite decent.

He also turned up to our coffee date, on Darby St, without any shoes... This is where the fussy me really started to develop.. I was horrified & asked what he was thinking, I assumed footwear in public, especially at night.. on Darby St is a necessity. Apparently not.
He disagreed and thought of himself as a free spirit, I told him he could go free his spirit elsewhere as I couldn't be seen with someone who didn't wear shoes. Maybe it was a turning point for me?
 It was the first time someone really hated me for being "shallow". I'm sorry Mr No Shoes but this footwear business is a requirement in life.. not a choice.

Another weirdo that springs to mind is the obsessive guy with the bad teeth who sent me flowers & rocked up to my house with a love letter... my mum taught him at one stage & was horrified he was on our door step. I was never "allowed" to date him.. or so he thought. He was a little odd & obsessive with not only me.. but World of Warcraft. He also like dragons & medieval things. Many years later he added me on Facebook & he has now married a woman 30yrs his senior & lives in the US. He met her somehow through World of Warcraft & they had a medieval wedding with swords and horses. I really missed out with that one.. Oh I also deleted him after I laughed at his wedding photos.

The next lot of stories will be about the liars... 


  1. " ticked all the boxes (there were maybe 4 boxes at this stage). He had a good job, he had a good sense of humour & seemed quite decent."

    Was the 4th large penis?

  2. Denver and Dallas are US Cities, not US States. You should know that from scattergories. I'm not being high-and-mighty - I just had to google scattergories to find out how to spell it.

    I'd never heard the whole story about Mr Schnitzel, just schnippets. That's hideous! I'm worried that you used to just go inside houses that you would have had gut feelings about it being a bad idea!! Anyway I think your choice re Mr Schnitzel and Mr No Shoes and WoW nerd were good choices.

  3. I love this but I can't spell and I love schnitzel so I am concerned I might be Corey. I've never lived at Argenton and don't carry schnitzel around with me (though I did wake up with a cheeseburger stuck to my face once).

  4. nawww sweet jannah - just imagine how boring your life may have been if you met mr right & lived happily ever after. you'll have so much more to tell your grandkids & i bet you'll have better stories than their "other" nanna - my motto in life "there's always a story to tell"
